Thursday, February 21, 2008

The porcelain god...

Something has been trying to kill me, and it hasn't been pretty.

I've spent the last several days alternating between the bedroom and the bathroom...and not eating or drinking much. It's been pretty nasty, to say the least.

Definitely not the way I planned to spend my reading week.

I broke down and had to borrow my uncle's computer to check my e-mails from school assignments and reports. Seems like while I've been lying watching 'I Love Lucy' and vomiting in between episodes, the world has also slowed to a crawl. Nothing that I expected to be done has been done while I've been out of comission, not a comforting thought during the cold sweats.

Anyway I'm running on borrowed time right now, so I'll throw a few random observations from my week in.

- whoever decided to use popsicles as sexual objects, to pratice oral sex or for added feeling in other areas, is insane...they're too damn cold!

- does my mother imagine me sucking a guy's cock while I'm slurping on this banana popsicle right now?

- my sex drive has vanished...I don't even want to think about sex...well, I do, but the thought of labouring myself to orgasm at this moment makes me want to vomit more

Thankfully I've had time to think of a few interesting topics...but they'll have to wait until next week. How are you all?


Uncle Gerry said...

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, don't worry about the world, it will still be there after you get well which I hope you do real soon. BTW popsicles are not my idea of sex objects either....brrrr

Aek said...

:( I hope you feel better soon. Being sick is never fun.

gay, christian and scared shitless said...

Welcome back sickbreak :-P

K said...

Feel better...I was like that this weekend.

Mike said...

Hope you feel better soon!!!

Bruce said...

Get well Steve.

manxxman said...

Take care of yourself....

TheDreamer said...

Better than you by the sounds of it. Get well soon, it all sounds too hideous for words. As for the popsicles, brrrrrr indeed.