Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Another V-Day behind me...

Honestly I can barely even come up with a few good pithy remarks about Valentines Day.

When I was younger I fantasized about spending that special day with a special someone. But this year I felt pretty contemptible about the whole shoddy affair.

I happened to be grocery shopping on the 14th and was stunned by the number of middle-aged men walking in an aimless daze, arms piled with flowers, chocolates and stuffed animals. So prolific was this year's V-Day that the store had set up an entire market area filled with all the Valentines necessities, including an employee wearing a hot pink shirt and red heart buttoned just above where his real one ought to be.

Not trying to sound like a cynical single, but really, I'd much rather celebrate my love for someone year-round with flowers, candy and gifts given 'just because' not 'because the calendar says so'. I mean, doing a little something for your someone on V-Day is sweet, but concentrating all of your creative love-energy on one Hallmark Holiday feels a little empty to me.

But I guess that's just my personality. After filling out some scientifically-questionable surveys,  I discovered that I much rather someone show their affection for me by doing the 'little things' in everyday life, instead of decadent amorous displays. As shocking as it sounds, picking up my dry cleaning and putting your fucking socks in the hamper are true testaments of your love for me. The odd flower would definitely be appreciated, but that's icing on the cake.

Even more shocking is the dollar value of V-Day; the average person reportedly spend $116 for gifts and dinners. I know that I'm a flat-broke student who can easily spend that on a single meal at one of my favourite restaurants, but for Joe Sixpack to spend that kind of money is truly surprising.

It also feels like Valentines Day is just another way for straight men to try and get their woman into bed. Send the kids to the grandparents, throw some flowers and candy at her, ply her with wine and then produce a nicely-wrapped gift of lingerie and then presto sexo, you've gotten laid for the first time in four months.

(My apologies to any married folks reading this, I think a teeny bit of cynicism got out there.)

In all my few years of dating, I've somehow managed to spend every V-Day alone, either by being single or being physically separated from the person I was dating. I have yet to receive the lavish attention the mind conjures when one thinks of the most 'romantic day of the year'. Like I've said before, this is the year of not giving a damn that I'm single.

And that's the best Valentine's Day gift I've had yet.

1 comment:

Aek said...

Ya know what I did on V-Day this year? I studied for an exam the following day. Ironically, it was an exam on human sexuality. That psych department sure has an interesting sense of humor!