Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What's on your mind...

It crossed my mind the other day that people might have something more to say.

I've decided to throw open the floodgates (that weren't ever really closed but rather not used) and welcome reader/fellow bloggers questions. Ever want to ask me something? Well, now's your chance.

I think it might be a bit fun to see what people want to know that I haven't already said, to see if I'm doing a good job at communicating myself to you or to see if there are mysteries about me yet unsolved.

So, go ahead. Ask me whatever. You don't even have to use your name, if you want to be anonymous whilst asking embarrassing or sensitive questions. Or even if you just feel like it. Not saying I'm going to answer every one, depending on how racy, but I'll do my best at answering them.

Let me see if I can satisfy your curiosity.


Sam. I. Am. said...

Anything? Right, what are the first 5 things that pop into your head when you wake up in the morning

manxxman said...

Have you come any closer to telling your dad that you're gay?

blueyedboy said...

What are you studying at uni (I guess being Canadian you'd be more likely to phrase it as "what's your major?") and what do you plan to do after you graduate?

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to think of the most awkward, fascinating question possible... but nothing that interesting is popping up.

Let's try these:
In your moment(s) of deepest longing, who or what are you thinking of?

Whatever happened to you long-lost, just so happed to be gay friend?

hrm. That's all I can think of... maybe I will come up with more later.

Anonymous said...

Are you out to all your friends? How did that go?

Anonymous said...

what are your religious views?

Hish said...

Hmmm... how did you "meet a guy" for the first time, and how did it go? Sorry if you're blogged about it before...

AlexCerati said...

What happened in that encounter that made you start blogging?

And... what about your long-lost friend that turned out to be gay?

Jon said...

hmmmmm. what kind of underwear do you like :P