Well hell, guess who's turned 100.
I guess it's a pretty big deal! Though I really am not too worked up over it. I mean, I've still got lots to say, and I'm happy with what's been said so far.
Thank you to everyone who's supported me throughout these months, and to all those who have commented. It's really nice to know there are people out there. And for those of you who are just readers, thanks for your time.
I have had the great pleasure of enjoying some great conversations and e-mail correspondance with some of you. It's very fufilling to actually learn and converse with people who have read what I have to say. Thank you all.
And finally, a special shout out to Tim. (God, I can't believe I just wrote 'shout out'...). I can't imagine not having our sporratic chats, and I'd like to think we've become friends, even if it's an exclusively 'online thing'. For now, anyway.
So without further interuption, 102 things about me.
1. I'm an only child.
2. My parents just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary.
3. My family has never moved, I've lived in the same house my whole life until going to school.
4. My newest obsession is mint green tea.
5. As a child I almost died from
6. I am terrified of needles, injections, drawing blood...and I blame being continually needled through my childhood.
7. I really want a tatoo, but when I think about being stabbed by 5 rotating needles, I get queasy.
8. My dream vacation, as of this moment, is visiting England, and living in a cottage in some small, Miss Marple-esque village.
9. Apparently I don't snore, but make some soft noise when I'm sleeping. It's 'cute'.
10. If I were an American citizen, I would have only one career goal -join the FBI.
11. Since I'm not, I could join the Mounties...but they just aren't as cool.
12. I think of myself as boring, but realize that I lead a fairly interesting life compared to some.
13. In high school I always prided myself on actually being non-conformist...that is to say, I wasn't Emo, Goth, or really interested in any current teen trends.
14. I listen to country music. But sometimes it makes me cringe.
15. My favorite chocolate bar is Mars.
16. I have two favorite TV shows: Frasier and I Love Lucy.
17. I despise majority of shows on network television.
18. I am a watch/clock whore, which psych students will have a field day with.
19. I've never been to the west coast of either Canada or the US.
20. I hate math, and promise never again to take it in any school setting.
21. I consider myself a praticing Christian, though don't attend chuch too often. My atheist friends say I'm not sipiritual enough to be a non-conformist Christian, but my churchgoing friends say I'm not traditional enough.
22. Though I never really believed in the 'grand plan' approach to life, lately things have happened in an all too organized manner.
23. I still think you make your own choices, and that you ultimately can change your destiny.
24. I collect LP's and prefer listening to my vinyl over CD's any day.
25. I spend majority of my 'fun money' on music...tickets, LP's, etc.
26. The morning after drinking, I reach for the apple juice. Makes you feel better every time!
27. When I meet people I consciously look them in their left eye; you can't break eye contact without moving away.
28. After I meet people, I rarely remember their names right away, and need to be constantly reminded.
29. I don't have a hero that's alive. Mine are all dead. Ohhh, how faux-poetic.
30. I am usually astonished about the things people say at least once a day, and check the calendar to indeed see that we live in the 21st century.
31. I am a worrier, even when I dwell on things completely out of my control.
32. I don't like small children, and though I want kids at some point, I want them to come pre-aged to about 5 years old.
33. Christmas is my favorite holiday of all time.
34. I dream of actually being financially stable enough to take off for weekends away with my friends/special someone.
35. People tell me that I'm really sarcastic. But it's not usually a compliment.
36. I tried contacts once, but felt really dizzy after getting one on. But I really, really want to try them again.
37. My favorite martini is a Cosmo, no exceptions. Now, the hard part is actually finding a good one when you're out...
38. I have one full set of grandparents, and one half set.
39. I'm 6'2" tall.
40. I have no clue what blood type I am.
41. There is no male I consider one of my 'best friends'.
42. I have 3 'best friends', one of whom I'll be living with in September.
43. Whenever I'm in the car alone, I sing practically nonstop.
44. I can't sing in the shower, even though I have a shower radio.
45. I love tomato juice on my Kraft Dinner.
46. It is my esteemed opinion that vegans and vegetarians simply don't know what they're missing.
47. I like to know as much as I can about people, and keep up on my friend's lives.
48. I don't gossip, I talk about people who I care about only with other like minded people.
49. I want a great, influental job that allows me to travel and live part-time in another country.
50. I wear Dior Homme cologne everyday.
51. I smoke occasionally and socially, but would never pick it up as a full-time thing.
52. The longest I've ever gone smoking was my 3 weeks in France.
53. Next September I plan on getting a very part time job at Starbucks.
54. Fleetwood Mac just isn't the same without Christine McVie.
55. I'm not friends with anyone I went to elementary school with.
56. Red over white wine, unless it's deathly hot out, then white takes the cake.
57. If you gave me a delicious carrot cake, I would seriously consider sleeping with you.
58. My dream job would be being part of a band's world tour...what part I'm not sure, though in the band would work.
59. I got the English award my graduating year of high school.
60. I hate potatoes, yet still eat them.
61. Only iced cream with chocolate in it is worth eating.
62. I have determined I can't live in the city, or the country, exclusively; therefore, I have to split my time between the two.
63. No matter what people say these days, I hope history records how exceptional a woman Condi Rice is, considering where she came from.
64. Bridget Jones' Diary is one of the funniest books I've ever read.
65. I think I know more American geography than Canadian; thank you CNN.
66. I badly want to spend a rainy Sunday in bed, but never do.
67. Katie Couric is highly overrated.
68. It is estimated that I need to have a starting salary of $100,000 to live modestly but comfortably.
69. It is estimated that my starting salary will be less than $35,000.
70. I have no idea what I want to do after graduating, except possibly continuing my education.
71. I solemnly swear I will not become a professional student.
72. I'm in the top 15th percentile of my class.
73. Alfred Hitchcock is my favorite director.
74. Vertigo is my favorite movie.
75. I have seen Vertigo twice on actal film, and it was amazing both times.
76. I'm not big on PDA, but love to hold someone on the couch.
77. I've been complimented several times on my cock.
78. I have never broken a bone in my body, and as a result am ignorant as to how badly it hurts.
79. I realize now that not taking French through high school was a mistake.
80. I prefer having actual conversation with one or two people, rather than exchange useless chatter in large groups.
81. I have never taken nude photos of myself.
82. I have never changed the natural color of my hair.
83. I'm a cat person.
84. People think I'm 25.
85. The only part that bothers me about that is my wondering how I'll actually look when I'm 25.
86. The most influential teacher I had in high school was my music teacher.
87. My favorite beer is Molson Canadian.
88. I love talking politics, though apparently it's 'poor party conversation'.
89. Even though I love most things about 1967, I don't think I would have been a hippie.
90. My favorite, and lucky, number is 3.
91. I like to close my eyes and pretend the 80's didn't happen.
92. I bite my nails, and it pisses me off.
93. I'm a Neo-Freudian.
94. I have never watched MTV.
95. My mom had breast cancer when I was in Grade 12.
96. I don't regret things I've done, I regret things I didn't do.
97. M&M's over Smarties.
98. I'm currently listening to The Police - Synchronicity, and very excited for their concert in a few weeks!
99. I work well under pressure, but occasionally I wind up snapping at people needlessly.
100. I love to fly.
101. I want a parrot; something about having a pet for your entire lifetime appeals to me.
102. I have never told anyone I have a blog, and don't plan to.