Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I'm gentle...honest.

But I got the better of my ceiling lamp the other day. Sadly, it wasn't even a sexual accident.

I'd just changed my sheets, and was throwing my duvet over my bed. My arms held high, I gave it a quick snap to toss it across the bed, when all of a sudden the sound of plate glass crashing was all I could hear.

I stood for a minute in stunned silence. Then I looked up.

I'd put my hand right through the glass, leaving a nice little shard hanging out of the lamp. Thankfully none of the glass pieces ended up in me, but they did manage to end up all over the floor and in my fresh sheets.

This was one day I wasn't happy being tall.

1 comment:

Naijadude said...

aww, poor you... How tall are you??

So many close encounters with my 6'4" self with the fan and the light!