Saturday, February 17, 2007

Lord, grant me sleep (part 2)...

We woke up Thursday morning pressed against each other. Laying there, the sun coming through his shadeless windows, we snuggled, talked, made out...literally continued our evening into the morning. Finally, I suggested a shower.

Standing under the steaming hot water, we rubbed each other down, washed our hair, and did some more fooling around. He pulled out some vanilla-scented wash, and lathered me up all over. It smelled great, and I turned around to clean him up.

"You don't have to," he said. It's really nice to be selflessly pleausered, but I always feel guilty when someone does something for you that you can easily, and willingly, do for them. So I smiled, and shook my head, and started massaging the body wash in.

We toweled off, and actually got dressed. Both of us had class...but we decided not to go. Hell, I was having too much fun, and I never get to do this stuff! I asked if he wanted to go to breakfast/lunch, and he agreed.

Brian lives in the west side of the city, and about an hour's walk from the core. We walked along side by side, smiling stupidly at each other, the hot sun warming us against the chilly wind. After walking by about a million resturants that I would have loved to eat at (but didn't say so), he suggested walking a little further, to try a place he'd had his eye on. So we kept walking.

Finally we arrived in the area of the resturant, but he couldn't find it. It had a green sign, he said, but damned if we could see it. So we ketp walking, finally reaching our alternate choice at about 2 p.m.

Lunch went by so fast, even though we were there for over an hour. We chatted and laughed and did more smiling at each other. I'm sure we were a vomit-enducing scene, but our very gay waiter didn't give us any funny looks, so we must have been ok.

It was time to go our seperate ways. We hugged breifly on the street, and I immediately felt bad leaving him. He went one way, I went the other...I got home and tried to catch myself up on what had happened since about noon on Wednesday. I could barely keep my eyes I did something I never do. I slid into bed, set my alarm for an hour, and had a nap.

I jolted awake at 6:30 feeling worse than I had when I went to sleep. My mother was in town and we'd made dinner plans, and even though I was exhausted, I headed out to meet her for 7. I grabbed a pint while I waited for her to show up, which she did, about 10 mintues late. We ate, and I was pretty quiet at first. I mean, I would have loved to tell her about my Valentines Day and this guy I'm kinda seeing...but it really wasn't the time or place to come out.

At 8 I was on my second pint and missing Brian. Mom went to the washroom, and I did what I told myself I wouldn't do; I texted him wondering if he was free.

"Why can't I see you on the weekend?" was his response. I felt a little let down, but since we'd just spent a huge chunk of time together, I could understand.

2 seconds later, another text comes. "But you're more than welcome to come here."

Dinner drew to a close, my Mom dropped me off at my place, and I turned around and headed back out. A rough hour later I was in his lobby, then in his room, then on his couch...

At about 12:30, I was getting worried. I had to get the hell going if I wanted to make the last bus. In truth I just wanted to spend the night, but I didn't know how to bring it up. I mentioned about how late it was, and he told me simply that I could stay, he wanted me to. So we hit his bed, which is totally comfortable and bigger than mine. We didn't stay up all night again, mostly because I was falling asleep while we were getting off.

So is this what you do with a guy you're dating?...


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you. He sounds like an amazing guy. I hope it works out and lasts a very long time.

Mike said...


I just started reading your blog. I am a bi guy I guess you could say, 20 years old, in college, and exploring my sexuality.

I just wanted to comment and say that the guy in this post sounds amazing... you're very lucky.

I've only been with one guy and it didn't work out, but I'm fine with that.

Anonymous said...

Ah, you lucky thing - sounds like something out of a romantic novel!