Sunday, March 18, 2007

Why am I socially inept!?...

So you'll never guess who I ran into tonight. Very horny. Rather drunk. And now, I realize, propositioning me.

I went to Laura's place tonight for a good house party, complete with green jello shooters and lots of beer (naturally Canadian, our favourite brand). The evening started at 8 and I drank continuously until 2, when we lit the second very large joint, only this time it was shared between me and another bloke. (I swear, you must all think I'm a drug addict. Honestly, I never smoke unless with people at a party...which is practically never.)

Well, I said my goodbyes to Laura and her roommate and her boyfriend and boarded the elevator. A quick (well, felt very quick) ride down the elevator and I was on my way out the door...only I heard someone talking to me. And guess who it was.

Rez Guy.

I almost pissed my pants, as recognition set in. He smiled at me, motioned for a hug which I greatfully returned and we started talking. I suttered out that I was heading home after being at my friends, and that I was very, very high. He laughed and said he (and his small group of 2-3 blonde girls, though I didn't count the exact number) were headed upstairs to his place to smoke.

He then asked me again what I was doing. I smiled and laughed stupidly and we talked a little bit more, with some very goofy and sexually manipulated smiles on our faces, and I walked out into the cold night.

About 250 feet from the front door, I said aloud, "FUCK."

I realized with the impact of about 100 cars that I'd just been invited up to smoke some more with Rez Guy and then to spend the night with him. How fucking stupid am I to have missed the fact that 'What are you doing' meant would you like to come upstairs?...

Anyway I feel so stupid right now, very drunk and very high. It would have either been the best or worst sex I've ever had if I'd have stayed tonight. Plus I didn't exactly prepare myself for being naked tonight, even if it was totally high and in the dark...I'm just about to message him via Facebook about all the dirty thoughts that passed through my head on my walk home...


Anonymous said...

There's a certain irony in someone to whom you refer as 'Rez Guy' asking if you want to go for a smoke... ;)

about a boy said...

nothing wrong with taking a few tokes...or quite a few. :)~